Wanted – an Assistant Referees’ Officer

Following discussions between the League and the South Wales FA, the League will undergo its’ biggest changes since formation from the start of the 2023/2024 season. The current set up of three divisions of sixteen Read more…
The shortage of referees in the Area (and throughout football generally) is now very severe. We need to encourage more people into refereeing and to this end, the South Wales FA is announcing a special offer to all those who wish to sign up for a full referees’ course. We will offer you the chance to have your course fees reimbursed over three or six months after you have completed the course and officiated in matches. The courses are available at https://becomearef.wales/ and if you take the £25 or £70 options, you will get fees refunded at three or six months once you have completed the specified number of matches in the terms and conditions. The offer is open immediately and the next final session course in the South Wales FA area is on Sunday 7 November at the USW Grounds in Treforest. TERMS OF OFFER The offer is to give refunds of course fees to anyone who enrols and completes either the full course (no kit or extras) for £25 or the full course with extras for £70. The offer is open to all who register for the course from 11 October 2021 and can be witrdrawn by the Association at any time. Refund levels Basic course (no kit) – full refund (£25) after three months once the candidate has completed six games on COMET (whichever occurs later) Full course – part refund (£35) after three months once the candidate has completed eight games on COMET, remainder refunded once the candidate has completed fifteen games on COMET or at six months, whichever is later. These games must all be completed within twelve months of the candidate completing the practical day. The candidate’s postal address must be within the South Wales FA area and all matches must be within SWFA affiliated competitions. Qualifying games must be competition matches and must be able to be verified on COMET – Sunday leagues and friendlies would not therefore be counted in this
Back in May, we wrote to all clubs and officials with an initial questionnaire about the SWFA and its activities. From that, we have constructed a second, more detailed questionnaire to help the Association frame Read more…