
As part of the move to modernise the Association’s processes, we are publishing affiliation forms for clubs and officials to download. Forms still need to be completed and sent to the Association through the post but we are looking to increase the automation of processes in future years. PLEASE NOTE IN SEASON 2020-2021, THE MAJORITY OF FORMS ARE COMPLETED VIA THE COMET SYSTEM. PLEASE ONLY USE FORMS ON THIS PAGE IF YOU HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED TO DO SO BY THE ASSOCIATION.
Club affiliation form 2020-21 Club affiliation form 2020-21
Template Income and Expenditure Accounts (required unless clubs prepare their own accounts Sample IandE
Cup Competitions team sheet – use for Sunday Intermediate Cup and Boys Junior Cups only South Wales Football Association Cup Team Sheet
Referee Disciplinary Reporting Forms
Player Caution report SWFA PLAYER Caution Form 2019-2020
Player Sending off report SWFA PLAYER Sending Off Form 2019-2020
Team Official Caution report SWFA TEAM OFFICIAL Caution Form 2019-2020
Team Official Sending off report SWFA TEAM OFFICIAL Sending Off Form 2019-2020
Misconduct report SWFA Referees Additional Report 2019-2020
Discipline reporting portal
Guide to using SWFA Discipline Portal South Wales FA Disciplinary Reporting System